Friday 27 April 2012

Pink ribbon & die cut Bingo!!!

Hello Everyone
Hope we are all well ......still gorgeous here in Gib....but forecast some showers for tomorrow.....
I have already lost all my write up once although thought i had saved...i have gone back to the old way but it is still slightly different.....pickie comes up on the post instead of all that gobbly de gook i sure you don`t spell like that Lol.....why does it keep changing i am to set in my ways...
This challenge i saw on the lovely Sasha`s Blog ...her cards are amazing....take a peep... it is a new one to me !!!!!
It is called Timeless Tuesday Challenge this week it is called Bingo you take three out of the nine ....Pink ...Ribbon...Die my choice...using all my new goodies i puchased in Ally Pally...

Card Recipe
Melisa Frances Papers...
Tim Holtz Dress form and bobbin Die....
Cheery Lyn Doily Die it is so nice.....cuts out so easily....
Whimsy Message....
SU. Ribbon...
Pearls The Hobby House.....
Thanks for looking ...enjoy the rest of the evening...
I hope this posts ok Fingers Crossed......


Jacqui's little piece of England

Lovely card Sylvie

jacqui x

Stamps and Paper

Ho Sylvie...finally I can see your new post. What a lovely card I love these sewing dies


sue w.

Hi Sylvie, Lovely card and love all the elements and fab colours.
I don't like change either and have the old style blog at the mo but I know it's gonna change over and I'll have to get used to it, grrr.
Have a good weekend.
Hugs Sue W.

Karen P

Lovely doily, and such a gorgeous card Sylvie! Have a good weekend hugs Karen x


Lovely to see new goodies in action! That doily is spectacular!


This is gorgeous Sylvie. I have those TH dies and I think I bought them because they were so cute - I haven't done anything with them yet. Thank you for the inspiration. :)

Edna x

Canonbury creations

Fab card Sylvie, love that doily didn't realise it was a die! The bobbins look great with thread on them:)We've had so much rain I'm expecting to see an Ark float by any day soon!!!
Val x


Hi Sylvie

All of your comments were there yesterday . .. . mine sit waiting for me to release them and normally this happens the following morning. At least that way all of the spam I get doesn't make an appearance.

Do you get any of that?

People telling you how to optimize the number of visitors you get and things like that. All rubbish!! Shame people haven't got better things to do with their time.

Loving your card and how you have dressed the dress form. I am really finding this die set useful. I made a card for my ex-boss to give his wife with it yesterday and I am well chuffed with it. I will post it on my blog if my ex-boss doesn't mind.

Off to peep at Sasha's blog now!!

Have a great weekend.

Love Jules xx


Such a pretty lace dress - what a pretty and creative card!


Gorgeous Sylvie!


What a beautiful card! I love your elements and how you laid it all out :)

Thank you for joining us in Flourishes Timeless Tuesday!

~ Amanda :)


Very pretty card!! I love the sewing elements you used! Thank you for playing along at the FTTC.


Wow Sylvie this card is totally stunning!!!. To start with that Cheery Lynn doily is to die for!!! love those TH elements and that little mannequin and how it is dressed is just lovely. A very beautiful card Sylvie xxx


First of all I would like to say great blog! I had a quick question that I'd like to ask if you do not mind. I was curious to know how you center yourself and clear your head before writing. I have had a tough time clearing my mind in getting my ideas out. I do enjoy writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are lost simply just trying to figure out how to begin. Any recommendations or tips? Thanks!

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