Sunday 2 June 2013

Crafty Hazelnuts Christmas Challenge

Hello Girls
i hope you all have had a nice sunny day in the UK.....ours has been gorgeous here in Gib.....spent all of today cardmaking ...think my mojo is back after my week in the UK.....

Friday we stayed the night in a Hotel in Fuengirola ...Brill food.... entertainment good ...a Flamenco show  at its best....Sunday morning  we travelled near to Ronda as Roys friend has a car he races we wanted to see him is not a race against competitors he asked Roy if he would like a go ...only as a passenger...Roy said he was doing 140 Miles per hour....No.....i didn`t have a go !!...i just watched....
Right on to my is the lovely Margarets turn to choose the Theme .....which is Father here is my offering....
Carde Recipe
LOTV Paper Pack Kraft....
Marianne Icicle Die ....
Craft work cards Message....
Tree Hero Arts Stamp Set....
Promarkers for colouring....
Bakers Twine local Gift Shop in Gib.....
Picture not come out to well as it was so sunny....
Sorry i missed the last card ...will do it in the next day or to....

I would like to enter my card into Crafty Hazelnuts Challenge
Hugs Sylvie xxx
will pop round the Girls later ....



Fabby card Sylvie. We like Fuengirola, usually go there in November! Been a nice day here so hope summer might be on its way. Hugs x

Christine Harrop

Cute image Sylvie and I like the icicle die cut. We have had great weather for a few days now - fingers crossed that summer might have decided to put in an appearance at last! Christine xx

Jacqui's little piece of England

Lovely card Sylvie love your snowman xx

Stamps and Paper

Love your happy little snowmen Sylvie fab card


Donna Mosley

Gorgeous card Sylvie, love the cute image.

Donna x


Beautiful card Sylvie. It's been really warm here on the West coast of Scotland too. Hugs Rita xxx


Gorgeous card Sylvie. I love the image and fabulous detailing.
hugs Sue xx


A lovely card Sylvie - great image. Hugs, Claire x


Love the image and fab

Zoe Tant

Cute image on a super card Sylvie. I love Ronda haven't been in years, but have fond memories. Zx

G Peplow

Hi there Sylvie, Smashing card, I love Christmas, yes at any time of year LOL Glad to hear that you're having fun and lots of good weather! I'm fine thanks, You? :D Hugs Gay x

Kim S

The image is charming and I love the chilly backdrop!

Karen P

As always Sylvie - a beautiful and very elegant card. I like the look of the icicles die. Hope you have a good week and no way would I go in that fast car either lol Karen x


Loving the look of the icicles die.
Cute card...and great colours!


Hi Sylvie.....what a cheeky Father Christmas just love it it made me smile....goodness the weather here is fab as well wore a dress yesterday and another today....thats 2 more than last year!...hugs margaret


so gorgeous Sylvie.fab design and I love the fun image :D

xx coops xx


Gorgeous card Sylvie, so cute. Great weather here last! Carol x


wonderful card - looks like he's in a beautiful place too! Thanks for joining the extra challenge at Hazels and good luck xx


Lovely card for the CCC challenge and for my challenge extra x