Tuesday 7 January 2014

Favourite Five Fave Creations 2013

Hello All
 I hope we are well...and the weather where you live is not to bad.....
 Debby from Scrapjourney every year posts her Five Fave Cards from 2013....and asks us to join in......so here are mine...

It is quite Difficult to Choose Five ...but here goes....

The First Choice is for a friends 85th Birthday...using this Fabulous Penny Black Stamp....

my Second card is a Mothers Day Card ...using the Gorgeous Clearly Besotted Stamp.....

My Third Card is an Engagement Card using Hero Arts Background Stamp....and a Flourishes Wedding Stamp Set...Nestie Ornate Oval set....

 My Fourth Card is for our Neighboroughs  90th Birthday....using a Digi Download coloured with Promarkers....

My Fifth card has to be a Baby Card...i just love Babies...and nothing is cuter than this LOTV Stamp...SU Button Die,...Bakers Twine....
Well thats my Five ....hope you like my Choices.....
Thanks for looking...i really do appreciate your Comments...
Hugs Sylvie xxxx


Rebecca Bradshaw

What a gorgeous selection of cards! My favourite is the baby card - so adorable and I love the colours.


Brilliant. cards, great choice, my favourite is the boats so serene

Patricia xx

Wendy L

Five beauties Sylvie but I love the first one. xxxx


A gorgeous selection of cards Sylvie - love them all.
Lorraine x


Love them all, Sylvie. It's lovely to see them all again! My favourite has to be the first one with those really pretty flowers.....BEAUTIFUL!!
Happy New Year! xx

Donna Mosley

These are all soooooo gorgeous Sylvie.

Donna x


A beautiful selection hun - look forward to seeing more of your fabulous creations this year. Hugs, Claire x


Such a gorgeous selection of cards Sylvie, beautiful images and wonderful designs.
hugs Sue xx


Gorgeous cards Sylvie. Hope you enjoyed the Festive Season. Hugs Rita xxx


This is a wonderful selection Sylvie, such a fabulous variety of images.
Thank you for popping over to visit.

Karen P

Five beautiful cards from you Sylvie, as always very elegant and chic too xx


Sylvie, these are all extraordinary! It must have been difficult to narrow it down!! Happy New Year!! Hugs, Darnell


Five gorgeous makes Sylvie. ...... Really like the 90th man's card, fabulous colouring. I've been looking at entering this as well but every time I think I've got 5 chosen I find another, and another, and............!


Karen x

Vicky Hayes

These are just stunning Sylvie! Here's to many more fabulous creations for 2014. Glad you had a fabulous time over Christmas and new year. Vicky x


They are all fab cards, Sylvie!
xxx Asha - Sunny Summer Crafts

Pat K

Gorgeous selection Sylvie...loved seeing them again. xx


All so different but each one an absolute gem. Hugs x


These are all so lovely Sylvie! I can't actually decide which one is my favourite!
Lizy xx


Oh sweetie how on earth did you just narrow it down to these.......I would struggle with fave 10 from your blog shug, you are a talented lady. Cant wait see your LOTV image hun.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Marlou McAlees

Hi Sylvie :) love them all :) your cards are always beautiful, keep up the great work xx ♥


These are all really lovely cards, but I particularly like the Mother's Day card and the Engagement card, I also like the way you have coloured the boats. A lovely selection.


Wonderful selections of cards Sylvie, they're all gorgeous.
Thank you for joining in with My Favourite Five of 2013.


Gorgeous cards! I love your coloring. You do so many styles so well! Thanks for becoming my newest follower...I'm your newest too! :)